LightCleanse™ x Five Litres

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LightCleanse™ x Five Litres


PRICES EXCLUDE VAT, which is added at purchase.

Same product as our HandHeld Spray, but sufficient for a larger project. 

The contents of this container are completely harmless, consisting of 95.5% water, 4% Isopropanol and 0.5% TiO2 nanoparticles.

When sprayed onto a surface, an ultra thin film is formed, bonding to the surface itself. When subject to any visible light, oxidants are released, with antibacterial, antiviral, antistatic, anticorrosive and antiVOC effects. For a full explanation visit The Science page

5 litres is sufficient to cover approximately 1000m2 on most substrates. For information on surfaces that may be sprayed go to FAQs 

To hire or buy a specially designed compressor and spray gun and for technical advice please email

Please note. We take Health & Safety very seriously. We will only sell these containers to clients who adequately demonstrate they will follow our recommended procedures for large area spraying. We also have spray coating specialist contractors nationwide who will undertake special projects. We are happy to connect you to them, please just ask. 


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